Jasmine and Guillermo baby fund
Jasmine and Guillermo baby fund
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Guillermo Avitia is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
I meet Jasmine and my step son and I was the perfect fit for them. Jasmine and I got married and decided to try for a baby. Unfortunately, Jasmine has one barely working tube and one that is recommended to be removed. We have been trying for over a year with no luck. We want another child to teach Jasmines traditional native culture too as well as my Hispanic culture. We would love the chance for our son to become a big brother. We are looking into ivf as our only option but like many others we can’t afford it. We want to go to cny fertility for ivf.
Thank you all
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Guillermo Avitia is organizing this fundraiser.